5 Things Friday

Elections (again!), reparations, vibing and more. Here are your antiracism actions steps for March 5.


It feels like every week it gets harder to stick to JUST 5 things. And it's not only because, once your eyes are open to them, the injustices seem to keep piling up (I mean, it's that, too) but it's more because there are SO MANY people doing incredible work that we want to share with you. There are the dedicated people directly working to make change — by creating the petitions and campaigns we support — and then there are the creatives and artists who generously share their worldview through essays, articles, videos, photographs, paintings, books, podcasts...there is just so much good stuff! And yet...

Here are your 5 things.

DONATE TO THIS. After an exhausting election season where many of us found ourselves devoting our time, money, and precious votes to candidates whom we weren't exactly PASSIONATE about, this ask will be refreshing. Gary Chambers is a political candidate we are 10000% behind. He's running for Congress to represent Louisiana's 2nd District (Baton Rouge) in a special election coming up on March 20. Many folks might know him from the viral video clip where he called out a school board member for online shopping during a debate about the renaming of a highschool named after Robert E. Lee, But Chambers has been a long-time community activist and has developed a platform that is squarely centered around the priorities of his would-be constituents. He's the underdog—two well-established Democratic state senators are running against him—but he's got the grassroots support. Throw yours behind him by donating, phone banking, and sharing his story on social.

LISTEN TO THIS. Tune into the podcast 'Reparations: The Big Payback' now. It's hosted by a pair of social justice filmmakers: Erika Alexander, a Black woman and actress (Living Single, Get Out, Run The World), and Whitney Dow, a white man (Two Towns of Jasper, I Sit Where I Want, The Whiteness Project). They use their unique storytelling skills and experiences to explore the argument for and against the controversial topic of reparations for Black Americans.

MAKE THIS CALL. Speaking of reparations, let's make them happen. Last month, Congress held a hearing for H.R. 40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. Hours of testimonies for this legislation was a clear indication that we cannot let up. Demand that Congress prioritize HR 40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act by calling your representative now to demand that they cosponsor H.R. 40.

SHARE THIS. Black History month just wrapped up, which means it's a perfect time to check in on yourself to make sure antiracism and advocating for Black lives is built into your daily practice—as in, you don't need an event like Black History Month to remind you to show up against white supremacy daily. Read, absorb, and SHARE Dr. Akilah Cadets' 5 principles for authentic allyship. Then dig into the full story here.

READ THIS. And now, something plain beautiful. The essay 'on vibing' by Mary Retta is...well, a vibe. It's something we can't really explain, but we can feel. If you, like us, find yourself in a different, better state of mind after you read it, we suggest you subscribe to Mary's newsletter for more of her brilliant writing (including this Women's History Month–approps read on fifth wave feminism and politics). Also, if you're looking to add more creative, thought-provoking goodness to your inbox, we also suggest subscribing to Who Stands In The Way from Oriana Koren—that's who tipped us off to Mary's work in the first place.


This Black Family Ran a Thriving Beach Resort 100 Years Ago—They Want Their Land Back


5 Things Friday