5 Things Friday
A petition for Walter Wallace Jr., a pre-election march, a white folks phone bank and more.
Illustration by Alex Albadee
Today feels pretty monumental. It's the end of a week that also marks the end of an era. None of us have any idea what it will look like, but we all know that this time next week we will be in a very different place than we are right now. And for those of us who have committed to fighting the myriad social and racial injustices that our country is rife with, the fight will shift. But let us be clear: It will not diminish in the least. Even if we won each and every office and proposition, we would have so much more to do. I know, it's a lot. So how about we just start with these 5 things?
SIGN THIS Walter Wallace Jr. was a 27-year-old father, a twin brother, and a son. His pregnant wife, Dominique, is due to deliver their child any day now. Walter also had bipolar disorder and was experiencing a mental health crisis on October 26, 2020. Walter’s brother did what most would do if our loved one were in crisis—he called 911 to request an ambulance. Instead, two Philadelphia police officers arrived on the scene before medical professionals or an ambulance, and tragically, the rest of the story is one we know all too well. Instead of de-escalating the situation or providing Walter with the mental health care he so desperately needed, instead of listening to the heartbreaking pleas of Walter’s mother, the responding officers pulled out their guns and started shooting. The two police officers fired approximately seven rounds EACH, hitting Walter in his shoulder and chest. Walter was pronounced dead hours later. Philadelphia Police murdered Walter Wallace in the street, in broad daylight, in front of his mother. Sign Color of Change's petition to demand justice for Walter and his family.
SHOW UP TO THIS Join Youth Advocates for Change for MARCH 4 OUR FUTURE on Sunday, November 1 in San Francisco. The youth-led group (and the crew behind the first massive Golden Gate Bridge shutdown protest) wants to represent EVERYONE in this protest and is asking you to come out and support youth voices. 12-3 p.m., start at Embarcadero Plaza and march to SF's Civic Center for a rally. Share widely!
READ THIS After the 2016 election, Smeeta Mahanti photographed over 300 kids and asked them to write a message to the world. She captured them again 4 years later as they prepare to vote in their first presidential election—and discovered that they have a lot more to say. Read interviews with 8 of these passionate, informed kids and see how they have evolved over the last 4 years. This one is so inspiring, and it's amazing to see the photos of the kids over those 4 formative years.
MAKE THIS CALL Where are my white people at? Join SURJ as they call white voters in Georgia tomake sure that this year, we #swingGeorgialeft. We need to narrow a gap of about 55,000 white voters to win Georgia on Tuesday. And we know it can be done! SURJ has been organizing phone banks and calling white folks in Georgia for weeks now, and their final 3 final Voter Contact Phone Banks are Sunday November 1 (1-4:30pm ET / 10am-1:30pm PT ) and Mon/Tues November 2nd & 3rd (4-7pm ET / 1-4pm PT). Sign up here.
WATCH THIS It's bittersweet, but this is the last time for a long while that we are going to ask you to GET OUT AND VOTE! So, let's end it on a high note: Watch (and share widely!) this short-but-powerful new film from Equestrians For Social Change (led by Brianna Noble, who rode through the streets of Oakland on her horse, Dapper Dan, during the BLM protests) that is inspiring people to make a statement at the polls this year. And then try to tell me it didn't make you reach for the tissues.