5 Things Friday

A voter cheat sheet, the modern Black travel green Book, and a NEw not-to-miss podcast


First off, thank you for reading this. For real. If your inbox is anything like mine, it’s crammed with dozens of screaming political emails declaring the end is neigh. Don’t get me wrong—we’re not sugarcoating the current state of affairs. We’re just trying to be a little more chill about it. So breathe in, breathe out, and do your 5 Things.

CHECK THIS OUT It's voter guide time, and this is our cheat sheet of choice. Created by SF power pair Shakirah Simley (a community organizer and the Director of SF's Office of Racial Equity) and Brittni Chicuata (Chief Of Staff at The San Francisco Human Rights Commission) the Move in Unity Victory + Action (MUVA) 2020 Ballot Guide provides light analysis of the ballot candidates and initiatives through a critical race lens.   

LISTEN TO THIS Sounds Like Hate is a new podcast from the Southern Poverty Law Center that focuses on the stories of people and communities grappling with hate and searching for solutions. The first episode, “Getting Out” begins with the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. But this isn’t about that white supremacist rally—it’s about a woman named Samantha, who worked behind the scenes to support this violent alt-right march. This episode leads us through the story of how Samantha became the women’s coordinator of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist group, and why she decided she had to get out. 

SIGN THIS Drop Daniel Cameron. Color of Change is calling on Attorney General Daniel Cameron to recuse himself from Breonna Taylor's case. Unfortunately, Gov. Beshear does not have the power to replace the attoney general. Only Daniel Cameron can assign a special prosecutor in Kentucky—yes, Daniel Cameron, the same prosecutor who denied Bre justice once already. So, let's rack up those signatures and keep the pressure on.

SHOW UP FOR THIS Tomorrow is the Women's March in downtown SF. It's also the day of a planned Proud Boys rally (Civic Center, 1 pm) and opposition demonstration. While the latter will not be a family freindly event, if you are willing and able to voluteer, we are looking for a group of folks willing to keep an eye out for vulnerable populations in the area, helping to ensure they don't become victims of harassment or violence. If this interests you, please email me directly for more info.

READ THIS If you've never thought about the nuances of travelling whlle Black, well, you've probably never had to. Globetrotter Martinique Lewis, a diversity in travel consultant and author of the modern travel greenbook for her fellow Black and brown travelers, breaks down the travel industry's issues with diversity as well as tips for taking a more inclusive vacation. 


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